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Bayut dubizzle

In office: Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County

  • 🇷🇴 Romania

Internship 2023 - Junior Full Stack Engineer

This is a great opportunity to work on a full-fledged SPA with high performance requirements, async processes, machine learning spanning technologies based on Javascript and Python 3. You will work with Django, Node, React using high performance services such as Heroku or Algolia. As a junior engineer you are expected to work and become proficient with our stack alongside more senior engineers.

Skills & Requirements

No Professional Experience Needed

As a junior we don’t expect you to have worked before as a software engineer. What we do expect is that you wrote code for school or for your own projects. An active Github account would make a nice addition to your CV.

What we expect is:

  • A good understanding of all common data structures

  • Ability to write complex algorithms


While knowing our stack is definitely an advantage, it is not by any means a disqualifying factor:

  • Python 3, Django, React, Redux, Node, Express

  • Other technologies and services: Universal Web Apps, Machine Learning, Celery, RabbitMQ, Redis, Heroku, AWS, Algolia, CDN’s

What is it like to work for us?

Here are some ideas we have that might help you figure that out:

  • Offering the best and expecting to get the same in return: we let you choose your hardware to work on, we buy top-of-the-line chairs and standing desks, and will keep on trying to make the workplace better than our homes.

  • Autonomy: you will choose the tools you want to use and get to make all the technical decisions as long as they make sense (that's for the Chief Architect to decide)

  • Mastery: we will encourage and support you to learn as long as it takes so you can feel proud about your work (the nice side effect of this is having awesome products built by you)